In a quaint village nestled in the foothills of the Stara Planina mountains, lived Grandpa Neno with his granddaughter Ginka. In his life, filled with simple joys and daily cares, the echo from the past suddenly sweeps in - the Cyundapp KS750 motorcycle. This retro machine not only awakens memories from Neno's war years but also brings excitement into his quiet daily life, introducing Kiril (Kircho) - a young motorcyclist with a passion for vintage vehicles. After a series of comedic and warm encounters, the two worlds - old and new, collide and unite to tell a story of family, friendship, and unexpected connections that shape our lives in unpredictable ways. "Grandpa Neno and the Motorcycle" is a heartrending journey back in time, filled with nostalgia, generosity, and rediscovered love, reminding us that sometimes stories find us in the most unexpected ways.