As the story unfolds, Cooheart and Santa's paths cross, sparking an instant, undeniable connection. Unaware of each other's true identities, they find themselves drawn to one another, despite the danger lurking in the shadows.
However, as the town's dark secrets begin to surface, tensions rise, and the line between friend and foe becomes blurred. Cooheart, Boun, and Prem must navigate the treacherous landscape of the town while grappling with their own desires and the sinister forces at play.
Amidst the horror and suspense, the bond between Cooheart and Santa deepens, their attraction growing stronger with each passing moment. But as they uncover the truth about their identities and the ancient curse that binds them, they realize that their love may be the only thing capable of saving them from the darkness threatening to consume them.
With romance woven amidst the horror, their journey becomes a tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption, as they fight to protect each other and break free from the shadows that threaten to tear them apart.
Eira Engel may have the looks of a goddess, a brilliant mind, and an unnatural soul of pure innocence. All but a man that truly loves her. After a crazy fight happened during family dinner, a blizzard came wiping out all the lights and electricity in the town. All the work of the ancient Christmas demon himself, Krampus. Bringing his trusted elves and frightening toys with him. To not only enjoy the thrill of torturing their victims but to retrieve their queen that they waited for a long time.
"Krampus will stop at nothing until he gets what is his."