Ever since CT-7567, known as Captain Rex by those closest to him, was...Well, born isn't the right word. Ever since his creation on the planet Kamino, Rex has proved to be steadfast, resourceful, and clear-minded in battle. However, despite being equipped with the ability to assess multiple situations and calculate their outcomes, the captain's extensive training could not have prepared him for his most challenging assignment yet: The Skywalker twins.
Though Aria Skywalker shared her brother's wavy, brown hair and piercing, blue eyes, that's where their similarities ended. While Anakin was rash, reckless, and emotional, Aria was patient, poised, and methodical. Due to her level-headed nature and calm demeanor, the Jedi Council quickly realized Aria wasn't fit to be the apprentice of Mace Windu, and Master Yoda soon took her under his wing. Now nineteen years old and a Jedi Knight, Aria Skywalker will soon be assigned the Clone Trooper Battalion that was once under her brother's command: The 501st.
Ten Highest Rankings:
#191 in tech (out of 7.25K stories)
#400 in anakinskywalker (out of 5.24K stories)
#514 in starwarsfanfiction (out of 5.65K stories)
#173 in ahsokatano (out of 1.76K stories)
#266 in starwarstheclonewars (out of 2.7K stories)
#41 in darthmaul (out of 403 stories)
#68 in thebadbatch (out of 649 stories)
#108 in captainrex (out of 973 stories)
#295 in echo (out of 2.58K stories)
#28 in plokoon (out of 234 stories)
When she was asked to join the Bad Batch she though little to nothing about it. I mean she was a doctor after all and her job was to make sure the clones where safe and healthy. She hadn't expected to find her self falling in love with one of them, let alone all of them.
Bad Batch x Female Reader
I'm doing it Chapter by Chapter. I should have at least 2 Chapters a week.