Vanessa May was like any other ordinary 15 year old, well in her mind anyways. She went to middle school, had lots of friends, had the perfect boyfriend, she was close with her brother. What else could you ask for? Oh wait, there's just some small couple of details I forgot to add to her seemingly perfect life. Her parents got divorced when she was 12. That same day, her sister committed suicide due to bullying. Samantha, (her older sister), would be 16 to this day. The only funny thing is, Vanessa handled it well considering Samantha was her everything. Oh, and one more thing...Cody Simpson was Vanessa's BEST friend back in Australia. That all changed when Vanessa had moved to Canada and Cody moved to LA. So what happens when Vanessa's perfect life splits into a million pieces? Who will be there for her when everybody else leaves? Read to find out! :)