My eyes could not capture his features well. The man got up from his chair or throne and headed toward me with steps that carried a majestic, royal, and devilish aura behind them. It took only seconds. He stood in front of me. I looked up at him. He was very tall and had a huge muscular build. He was handsome, with dark skin and eyes, Glory be to God, the likes of which I had not seen in forever. They were golden and carried within them a spark of enthusiasm and passion. His smile was wide and lovable. His hair was dark red, the color of henna. He was wearing an outfit similar to mine, except that his shirt was black and a white tie. The remaining uniform was red. He extended his hand to me and the words came out from between his lips. My ears translated those masculine sound waves into words that amazed my mind...:
"Rawan, welcome to the Devildom!"
هذه الرواية القصيرة كتبت للمتعة وهي مقتبسة من اللعبة obey me
اتمنى لكم قراءة ممتعة
Written by Ishtar