Born in the bustling city of Queens, NY on June 14th, 1946, this fearless individual started out as a real estate apprentice under his father's watchful eye. Donald John Trump. Through twists and turns, from hosting a daring reality show to boldly campaigning for political office and ultimately clinching the Republican nomination, he has proven himself to be a true hustler in every sense of the word. A real-life adventure seeker, always pushing boundaries and striving for greatness. As he bravely faced the daily challenges of running a nation, he unexpectedly encountered a formidable obstacle during his presidential duties. The obstacle presents itself in the form of none other than ex-president Joe Biden, whom he unexpectedly encounters during a court session. Joe Biden, his ultimate enemy, the person he loathes with every fiber of his being, the one individual capable of igniting a flame of fury within him simply by crossing his line of sight. However, what will occur if his blood does not boil upon encountering his so-called enemy? What will transpire if he instead feels intrigued upon witnessing his arch nemesis lurking over his wardrobe with his weapon in hand? Guess we'll have to find out dawg.All Rights Reserved