Jacob and Renesmee have grown up protecting each other and loving each other. It has been 5 years since the whole Cullen Volturi feud. Renesmee is 15 and Jacob is 25. The names of Renesmee's friends are: Khole, Kinnyyn, Kitty, Katerina, Malaysian, Keily, Leigh, Karen, Aphmau, Aphmau's boyfriend Aaron who is also Renesmee's crush, Hannah, Kourtney, Ily, Asucena, Ashley, Skyler, Emily, Rose, Emaila, Emma, Yuri, Julianna, Sofia, Funneh, Lunar, Rainbow, Gold, Draco who is Sofia's boyfriend, Zoey, Lotus, Amy, Amber, Rosalynn, Layla, Camille, Li, Min Ho Kitty's boyfriend, Trinity. Jacob will surprise Renesmee with something. Renesmee is the head Cheerleader.
Xia or Moon is short for Xiamoon..