A dramatic story takes place in 2002 about an individual named Mason Fury who is a 32 year old addict who is addicted to drugs, substances, smoking and drinking since the early age of 15. Mason who fights his demons and tries to delay the inevitability of having to consume the all of the above that he can't stop craving. He is also a victim of being sexually harassed and abused by many of the attackers who destroyed and ruined his mentality and serenity since he was 19, and has a hard time coping with life and being social with other people, and friends and family. But the truth about all this is, no one really knows or understands the full picture of what has happened to our victim growing up over the years. The story itself may be a bit dark and explicit and may cause some serious triggers which people may find uncomfortable and a bit disturbed, which is why you should read this tale at your own risk and discretion. The story itself is full of contradictions and foreshadowing plots and is a bit too dramatic in the whole plot of the story, but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this dark, gruelling and emotional tale which will be explained in more detail coming up
!!!TW: Rape, sexual assault and abuse and neglect, trauma and PTSD, homophobia, violent and domestic abuse, drug related content, suicide etc
This story is purely fictional and is NOT based on a true story or real life event or scenario. This is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously