Cris Flores sets out to....... Middle School Summer break has come to an end, and this kid has no fucking clue what is happening His middle school, Jepson Middle School, is kind enough to let him use the bathrooms to change, as the lockers might be a little awkward for a trans kid He meets Billie Pluto, and they both are like in love or something Cris and Billie hang out, eventually causing them to get together, but that's besides the point Billie's parents are complete jackasses and when they found out that Billie was gay, told him to just move out He had nowhere to go, but Cris comes to the rescue and gives him a few bucks so Billie can stay at a hotel for a bit Cris gets invited by Billie to stay at the hotel with him, and he accepts I don't want to spoil the entire story, so I'll end it here WARNING ⚠️: contains swear words, occasional suicidal thoughts and other sensitive subjects
7 parts