Izuku Midoriya was bullied, abused, and neglected by his family and friends. But one day they took it too far. Izuku then snaps and becomes a host for the spirit of Terrorblade since his followers have been pulling the strings in order to grant their master a new body. Only through the intervention of his real friends (Zane Hirashi, Hayate Zokyo, Am Karre, Momo Yaoyorozu, Itsuka Kendou, Saiko Intelli), with a little help from their new friends, was he able to break free from the demon king's control.
In the aftermath, Izuku awaited his punishment for the crimes he committed while under Terrorblade's control. However, the kids told Nezu and the authorities the reason as to why everything happened. Afterwards, all of them train under Kaden in order to take down Terrorblade.
After the training, they returned back to their world. They enrolled in U.A Hero College but saw Izuku's old life here as well.
Will he forgive them or leave them in the dust?