The book takes place in a world where humans and humanoid animals live. In Los Angeles there are four human friends, twins Larry and Harry, Jeremy, and a black man, Michael, they are all 15 years old, they are bullied because they all have a diagnosis, Larry has brain cancer that has made him blind, he can have the tumor removed and again see, but his parents don't have the money for surgery, Larry's twin Harry is a severely autistic who is shy and would like to find a girlfriend already, Jeremy suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder from past trauma, and Michael was born without a left hand, he is disabled. One day they all meet girls they fall in love with, although all the girls are a little older than them, and all those girls are Anthros, and just then they become the happiest people in the world. The girls' names are Rita, Francesca, Nicole and Anna.All Rights Reserved
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