(Spoilers for Winter Turning, and Escaping Peril)
So there's this dragonet, and her dad left before she hatched (realistic main character story), and then her mom decides she has to go take care of her OTHER dragonet by a different father, so she drops her little girl off in a slum where said dragonet gets raised by an assassin and becomes the most epic amazing killer you've ever seen. Then the SandWing war ends, so she heads off to funny little peace and rainbows town to meet her sister and mom, where she finds out mom's dead, so she lives with her sister now. Ofc it's hard to get business as an assassin in funny little peace and rainbows town, but it's okay because her sister is a healer's apprentice. Anygay one day our MC is minding her business when *GASP* a bunch of funny looking dragonets show up! And it turns out they've been chasing after a psychotic ex queen who also stole one of the dragonets' brother and did weird shit to him and made him a girl so they had to make him NOT a girl??? (Transphobia is NOT funny, children) And now cute little assassin dragonet is friends with all of them, and then Un-trans brother and Grumpy Point 3 of Love Triangle go home, but then Point 3 comes back so now it's all good, except he gets set on fire and now cute little assassin MC is chasing after Firebending Gorl and Psychotic Ex Queen.
For the first two parts, not much from the original storyline changes because I still want the Strawberry of Power scene, but less dragons will die so yay :)
(Credits for 'Strawberry of Power' to @Cjwolf96)