In the aftermath of a devastating fire that claimed her mother and sister, 17-year-old Harker Peters finds solace and belonging within the mysterious sideshow they once called home. But as she delves deeper into the shadows of her past, Harker unravels long-held secrets that shatter her perception of truth and family. Now, faced with the haunting reality of that fateful night, she must navigate a perilous journey of self-discovery and redemption, where the echoes of the past collide with an uncertain future, threatening to consume everything she holds dear.
Crafted as a paper movie, this gripping narrative unfolds across over forty vivid illustrations and cinematically structured dialogue. Cultus Black lends their essence to the story alongside the striking portrayals of Tommy Gervase as Harker Peters and Alley Duffey as Kara Peters. Guest featuring the enigmatic presence of Morpheus Walker as Ambrose and the haunting allure of the Twisted Whisker Sideshow as the Sideshow.
Venture into Grimewood with this new paper movie by Jaiden Frost. Inspired by the lyrics and lore of Cultus Black and the lyrics of Jamie Madrox of Twiztid from the song "I Am Not." This tale is a testament to the creative vision of Frost, who pens, directs, and breathes cinematic life into every page.
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