In a quaint town nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, two young men, Alex and Noah, find their lives intertwined in unexpected ways. Alex is a talented artist, known for his intricate paintings that capture the essence of emotions and a introvert, while Noah is a extroverted reserved bookstore owner with a passion for literature with an adventurous soul.
What begins as a chance encounter soon blossoms into a deep friendship as they bond over shared interests and mutual respect when they're kids. Alex finds solace in Noah's quiet company, and Noah admires Alex's free-spirited nature.
However, as their friendship deepens, Alex begins to realize that his feelings for Noah are more than just friendly. Struggling to come to terms with his newfound attraction, Alex grapples with fear and uncertainty, unsure of how Noah will react to his revelation.
Meanwhile, Noah harbors his own secret feelings for Alex but is hesitant to confess, fearing it might jeopardize their friendship. The tension between them grows, filled with unspoken words and stolen glances.
As they navigate the complexities of their emotions, Alex and Noah must confront their fears and insecurities, learning to embrace their feelings for each other despite the challenges they face. Their journey is a delicate dance of love, acceptance, and self-discovery, where every moment is a beautiful mistake leading them closer to each other.
"My Beautiful Mistake" is a heartwarming tale of love, friendship, and the courage to follow your heart, even when it leads you down unexpected paths.
Diana is an 18 year old girl about to start her senior year until she bumps into a woman at the bookstore who has quite the personality. The woman takes the book Diana had her eye on.
Diana's senior year soon becomes one she would have never expected when the book thief and her meet again.
This is not edited so it might be a little messy and it is not a slow burn!!!
Story includes:
-mention of abuse
^Do not read if you are disturbed with these!!