In the bustling streets of Bangkok, two families navigate the delicate balance between love and loyalty amidst the shadows of the mafia underworld. Vegas and Pete, a married couple with two sons, Rain and Sky, lead a seemingly ordinary life, hiding their ties to the powerful crime syndicate that controls the city. Their friends, Kinn and Porsche, also married with two sons, Phayu and Prapai, are similarly entangled in the web of organized crime.
As their children grow up, they become increasingly aware of their fathers' dangerous affiliations. Rain and Phayu, drawn to the allure of power and wealth, seek to prove themselves worthy heirs to their fathers' legacies. Meanwhile, Sky and Prapai yearn for a life free from the constraints of their families' criminal ties.
But when a rival gang threatens to disrupt the fragile peace in Bangkok, Vegas, Pete, Kinn, and Porsche must confront their pasts and make difficult choices to protect their loved ones. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, the bonds of friendship and family will be pushed to the limit in a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption set against the backdrop of Thailand's vibrant and dangerous underworld.
After a major betrayal and heartbreak, the heir of the largest business empire in Thailand had to make a split-second decision to save the empire from crumbling. His situation led him to a young boy desperate to save his family. What was apparently thought to be a potential liability turns out to be their strongest alliance.
Since English is not my mother tongue or first language so, please bear with me. This story is completely my work of imagination, hence other than the characters there is no connection to the actual KinnPorsche novel.
WARNING: Its basically a romance novel with occasional scenes of violence, action, assault, blood and torture.
It's also full of light hearted content, romance and fluff.
There are mature sexual contents also.
NB: I will be updating once or twice a week.
Disclaimer: The pictures and characters are not my creation. They all belong to the rightful owners. Only the storyline is my own creation.