Murky Water, Murky Thoughts | xiaoaether |
5 Части Завершенная история Mind is very fluid. Stress is like a a drop of ink, makes your mind feel murky and muddy. Sometimes it becomes so murky to the point you can't see not think, just... feel. The solution is either you wait for it to sink, of remove the dirt and let your mind reset...
Cover art by @max_eera on Instagram (PLZ GO FOLLOW CUZ THEIR ART SO GOOD)
Xiaoaether fanfic, angst, so uh 🤠🤠 oh and first fanfic I've ever written, sorry if it's too plain or poorly written, I am merely a secondary student who has nothing better to do 💀
Oh and I started writing this before 3.1 and 3.2 updates, so sorry if the story line kinda weird
*I included OC so if u don't like it, can leave if u want*