In the dark, fiery depths of Hell, an unexpected and forbidden romance begins to blossom between two of the most powerful demons in existence. Alastor, known as the charismatic and sinister Radio Demon, finds himself drawn to the enigmatic and commanding Lucifer, the King of Hell. What starts as mutual respect and guarded curiosity gradually deepens into something far more profound and dangerous.
Their clandestine meetings become more frequent, each one charged with an electric tension neither can deny. Alastor's playful yet dangerous charm begins to break through Lucifer's cold exterior, revealing a softer, more vulnerable side. Similarly, Lucifer's unwavering strength and ancient wisdom captivate Alastor, making him yearn for a connection he never thought possible.
As their bond grows stronger, their encounters become increasingly intimate, culminating in a passionate affair that cannot remain hidden. They are eventually caught in the throes of their forbidden love, their secret laid bare to the denizens of Hell.
In the aftermath of their exposure, the looming threat of the Extermination-a time when purges are carried out to control Hell's population-casts a dark shadow over their lives. With the Extermination approaching, Alastor and Lucifer must not only defend themselves against the external dangers but also protect their newfound love from those who would seek to destroy it.
Together, they wield their formidable magic, fending off the forces that threaten their existence. The strength of their bond proves to be their greatest weapon, allowing them to face the Extermination with unwavering resolve. In the midst of chaos and destruction, Alastor and Lucifer's love becomes a beacon of hope, demonstrating that even in the darkest corners of Hell, love can thrive and endure against all odds.
Lucifer waited, sat on Alastors bed, shaking and crying still. Of course his soulmate was a killer. His wife left him... he finally fell in love with his soulmate.. and he's a killer.. he kills people. None of this felt real. Alastor was so sweet and caring. He looked after Lucifer.. he never expected this.. but who would? Did he even know his soul mate at all?..
Lucifer always wanted to meet his soulmate, alastor never believed in them but Lucifers relentlessness persuades Alastor to at least try only for Lucifer to find out he's the famous radio killer... just his luck.