Quote : AJEkermans 2010
"if we can rather master the selfless act of placing a higher value on another person for them as a whole and not what they have and can only provide us with pieces and parts of themselves they can never get back. We would be richer than those living in a castle.
The people who are the richest of all are those who are happiest loving their families, partners, children and all of humanity and sacrificing their own real true currancy for others much like :-
Their emotional support when someone dies that was closest to us but we taketh pain out on them.
Thier efforts just to see and make us smile like the raise of the sun when rising when we just bring turmoil into their lives.
Their time they could have spend doing something they love to do in their spare time, but chose to spend it on us.
The unconditional love they have for us that they could have spend on taking care of themselves,
The loyalty we may not deserve because we cannot be honest, not even to ourselves.
The forgiveness ask for and then we take for granted for repeatedly choosing to repeat the same mistake by default.
And the trust we break and do not feel we need to repair but demand the respect they have for us when we do not respect them them enough to be tristworthy by default instead.
. Taking these people for granted will resauk in our own poverty and we shall never know what being rich is. A smiling mother living in her car is far richer with her children's arms around her neck saying "thank you mom"
Than the absant father living in an expensive house, driving the expensive car and no one to share it with, no one tanking him for the efforts of what it means to be a loving Daddy and Husband and alone. "