In the bustling streets of a small Indian town, lives a young girl named Naina, whose heart yearns for the kind of love she reads about in her cherished romance novels. With a passion for sculpting, painting, and writing in her daily journal, Naina's world is filled with creativity and imagination. But beneath her artistic facade, lies a longing for the perfect love she believes exists, With an enchanting character named Scott as her ideal, she embarks on a quest for the perfect love story, unaware of the twists and turns awaiting her.
AKSHAT SINGHANIA - A literature professor in Singania Institute of Arts and Commerce. He is soft and caring person
with a tough exterior, who doesn't believe in love or marriage because of his parent's broken relationship and his ex wife's betrayal. As a professor, he's dedicated to his work, and his no-nonsense attitude masks a softer side.
AMRIT TRIPATHI - She is a straightforward but introvert student, embodying simplicity and honesty. While others vie for the attention of their stern professor, Akshat, Amrit remains unnoticed until life takes an unexpected turn. Her future dream is to become an writer and she is starting her PHD.
However their fates intervened when Akshat had to marry Amrit for saving her from humiliation.
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