In a world where darkness reigns, Lorelai Steele is a force to be reckoned with. Born into a family plagued by mental health struggles and raised by a mother battling her own demons, Lorelai learned the art of survival at a young age. Plagued with cyclothymia and fueled by anger at the world's injustices, Lorelai conceives a daring plan - to form a vigilante group and right the wrongs of society. Assembling a team of allies named "The Serpentine," they embark on missions to challenge the corrupt and keep the unrepresented safe.
The police have tried and failed to find the Black Mamba and bring her to justice. They bring in the FBI, hoping their top Special Agent Anthony Davis can catch their vigilante. Anthony has spent his entire career searching for the Black Mamba and the Black Mamba has spent her entire career dodging him.
Neither of them knows they're playing cat and mouse with the person lying in bed beside them.