20 parts Complete In a world on the brink of destruction, a young woman named Joanne holds the key to saving humanity from the clutches of a powerful ancient power. Unaware of her gift, Joanne is thrust into a world of danger and adventure as she discovers her ability to counter the power that threatens to destroy reality itself.
Pursued by the ruthless Order, a secret society that will stop at nothing to claim the power for themselves, Joanne must navigate a complex web of intrigue and deception to uncover the truth about her past and her gift.
With the help of a mysterious ally, Joanne must learn to harness her power and confront the forces of evil head-on. But as the stakes grow higher, Joanne begins to realize that the line between good and evil is not always clear-cut, and that the fate of the world may depend on her ability to make impossible choices.
Will Joanne be able to save the world from destruction, or will the ancient power consume everything in its path? Dive into this action-packed adventure to find out.