In this captivating tale, we follow the journey of a young boy who forms a deep connection with his online best friend. Little does he know that his best friend has another online friend, an older boy who becomes the object of the young boy's affection. As their virtual conversations progress, the young boy finds himself falling head over heels for the mysterious third boy, all while keeping his feelings a secret from his best friend.
Determined to meet the object of his affection, the young boy embarks on a mission to find the elder boy, but his efforts prove futile. However, fate has a funny way of intervening. One day, as the young boy is strolling down the street, he stumbles upon a tall, handsome stranger who turns out to be none other than the boy he has been infatuated with through the internet. It's a serendipitous encounter that takes both of them by surprise.
As days pass and their bond grows stronger, the young boy finds himself falling deeper in love with the elder boy. However, he can't shake the guilt of keeping this newfound connection a secret from his best friend. In an act of honesty and vulnerability, he musters up the courage to share the truth with his best friend, who responds with a mix of happiness and a tinge of sadness for not being a part of their initial meeting.
But there's a twist in this tale of love and friendship. During a seemingly ordinary breakfast at the younger boy's house, the elder boy does something unexpected, revealing that his feelings for the younger boy run just as deep. It's a moment filled with both joy and confusion for the young boy, who now grapples with the fear of leaving his best friend out of everything.
Adding to the complexity of their relationship, there's the looming question of what will happen when the elder boy eventually returns to his home country.
Based on a dream I had about me and Coony (@chingumatzu)
A Maybank and A Cameron? It's almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet. It's forbidden for them to be together. Could be the end of the world.
The stolen glances, the hidden feelings, the unspoken words, the secret meetings and the obvious hatred towards each other followed by constant conflicts and some hidden past that threatened them but there are always invisible strings tied and pulling them together no matter how hard the tides trying to pull and part them away from each other.