In present-day Auardon, Prince Ben, the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle, is poised to take the throne. His first proclamation was to offer a chance of redemption to the troublemaking offspring of Disney's most dangerous classic villains: Scar, Cruella De Vil, Maleficent, Evil Queen and Jafar. These five VKs are allowed into the idyllic kingdom to attend a prep school along with the offspring of Disney's classic heroes.
In which Scar only daughter Kovu who he had with his wife Zira before he passed away and her crew known as the Cour Five are picked by the future king himself to live at Auradon but her mother, Zira has plans for her daughter to get the wand and make her queen, which proves to be difficult for Kovu when she finds herself unexpectedly falling in love hardly with the crown prince of Auradon.
Descendants 1-3
Prince Ben x Female oc