This book I never imagined to ever recover. Low and behold, it was just hanging out in Microsoft Sway. This book I wrote in 2014, this book is so old, I was a freshman in highschool. This book became the basis of The Last of the Brave: Divided We Fall. The second Exodus has come and gone but the threat of the Cylons still threaten Humanity. We have joined forces after a devastating Attack that nearly destroyed a entire Military base. They classified the information and they kept it a secret until the day comes when they have to fight for one last hope of survival. The Governments of the world created the Battlestar Program putting Elite soldiers on the most high tech ships using ancient technology salvaged from vehicles that are older than all of civilization. The United Nations formed the Colonial Fleet and named the vehicles after Legends that have been passed down since the beginning of time, The Galactica, Pegasus, Atlantia, Archeron, Valkyrie, and the Columbia. They still have one hope for survival, the hope lies in one crews hands and the all-out destruction of Humanity rests on one person's shoulders.All Rights Reserved