Adding a melodic touch to the great opening service of the Indian Head Association in Chennai, music maestros AR Rahman and Sonu Nigam left the crowd in wonderment with their sweet exhibitions. Sonu Nigam began his presentation with the melody 'Vande Mataram' and later Rahman went along with him in front of an audience. AR Rahman and Sonu Nigam as well as Mohit Chauhan, and Neeti Mohan among others set the stage in front of the match. Making it more extraordinary Bade Miyan Chote Miyan entertainers Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff set the stage ablaze with their jolting exhibitions at the function. Khiladi of Bollywood Akshay Kumar charmed the crowd with a power-stuffed execution at the function. Stand by is at long last over as cricket fans are going to watch the blockbuster opening conflict between reigning champs Chennai Super Rulers (CSK) and Illustrious Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) at Mama Chidambaram Arena. Rights Reserved