During a night that was filled with shortcomings and tears -in the wonderful, marvelous way that He always turns rough times around for His Good Purpose- God gave me this incredible and profound revelation of peace.
It started with the painful realization of my iniquity and how unworthy I am on my own.. the feeling felt like the dark void described in the poem.. and by His Grace God brought forth the sudden and powerful realization of the Peace, the Security that relies on Christ Alone and not on ourselves- the Holy Spirit blessed me with being able to feel how comforting this truly is, having all reliance on ourselves broken to make way for full trust in Jesus. We don't rely on being worthy, our safety depends on being cherished, loved, forgiven, and held- and by Jesus we always are.
This poem is based on this incredible spiritual experience God graciously blessed me with through His Holy Spirit.
I hope I've managed to relay the beautiful message the Holy Spirit has given me that day, that wonderful peace of finding comfort in realizing we cannot and don't depend on anything of ourselves but rather our Security is entirely in Lord Jesus who will never let us go! It's a Peace that transcends understanding, and I just pray I've shared a glimpse of it and that this may bring glory to our Savior and Protector, the Wonderful God Almighty.
(I'm finishing writing this very late at night, and if tomorrow God calls me to add or improve upon anything, I will. I'm just so grateful He's led me and let me to finish this! God's Plans truly always prevail! (And our Security is truly always in Him.)
Praise God!