Rendered in Code and Color explores the lives of Tanaka Kazuki, a subdued gamer with a passion for creating, and Shimizu Miyuki, a young woman burdened by the expectations of her prestigious family. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Tokyo, their journey begins at the Tokyo Art College, where a chance encounter and a shared elective course draw them and their friends into a whirlwind of creativity, exploration, and self-discovery.
Kazuki navigates the challenges of stepping out from behind his screen, embracing the world with a newfound openness, while Miyuki seeks the freedom to express her true self beyond the shadows of her family's legacy. As their paths intertwine with those of Ayaka, Hiroshi, and Kaori-friends with dreams and demons of their own-a tapestry of relationships unfolds, painted with the trials and triumphs of youth.
Rendered in Code and Color is a story about finding your voice, the courage to confront the past, and the strength to shape your own future. It's about the beauty of friendship that blossoms in unexpected places and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Through laughter and tears, failures and victories, Kazuki, Miyuki, and their friends learn to embrace the unpredictable art of living, discovering that true beauty lies in the colors we choose to render our lives with.
Join them on a journey through the heart of Tokyo, where art and technology meet, friendships are forged, and lives are forever changed. Witness the power of choice and the magic of a moment captured in the light-rendered in code, and color.
The story of confused souls, still trying to figure out. Both love and life
Siddhi is an aspiring college student in her 20s, surviving it along with her soul sister / best friend Priya. Every day is a new experience for her. Every day is a lesson, learning new ways to deal with herself being an adult, learning new ways to handle annoying people, and learning from people around her. Most importantly, learning about her own self. Bound by the restrictions or rather boundaries as she calls it, of her family, of the "boundaries" that she herself has drawn around people, insecurities and fear, What happens when she attends that very particular Science exhibition? Will it be the beginning of Siddhi exploring a different side of herself, or will it be a narrative of her crossing those boundaries?
Priya Shirolkar, a determined hardworking college student, along with her best friend Siddhi. A kind-hearted person to kind and hardworking people. Can see through everybody's intentions, plots, and love life but her own. Away from home since 18 years of age, now at 22, she wants to pursue her PhD. A little awkward around the love Siddhi and her family offers (definitely not complaining). She is someone whom you can rely upon. A kind friend and a kinder soul with a loud bubbly personality. What will happen when she realises that she needs something more than she thought she wanted? The thrill of doing something that is forbidden. Will things turn out well at the end? Is it really worth fighting for?