»« Valentina (me), a high school student, finds solace in observing the world around her during lonely nights in the school dormitory. It was the end of a semester, she decided to stay home for the whole break. But first time went out due to the request of her aunt. The other times was for the vacation group and the trip to France they hosted. »« During the travel, she explored some new places, found a sense of calm. However, a plot twist occured at nearly the end of her journey. She falls unconscious and wakes up after a vision and transformed to a kitten. She eventually returns to the original human form with the help of a kind stranger. Later began another unkown and mysterious journey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ π π π £π »« Some part of the story could be nonsense since it came from one of my dreams. »« Art work isn't mine, it's an AI picture from the web.All Rights Reserved
8 parts