In a world upheaved by the sudden arrival of a towering enigma, humanity found itself thrust into a realm of peril and potential. For one young woman, it was a revelation-a world she knew, not from reality, but from the pages of a cherished book. Driven by a sense of déjà vu, she disguised herself as a man and sought out the protagonist of that familiar tale. With each encounter, she subtly nudged his path, wielding her knowledge like a hidden blade to aid him in his trials. But as she delved deeper, she realized her role was more than mere coincidence. She was a key player in a grander scheme, her actions shaping the destiny of this world. Amidst the chaos of battles and betrayals, she uncovered the truth: her journey had just begun, and her fate was intricately woven with that of the hero she once only read about.All Rights Reserved
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