In "Once At Midnight," embark on a thrilling journey filled with magic, adventure, and unexpected twists. Meet Midnight, a young girl with frosty blue eyes and magical powers, trapped in a juvenile prison since childhood. Fueled by determination and a longing for freedom, Midnight seizes her chance to escape, setting off a chain of events that will change her destiny forever.
Joined by her newfound friends, Candy, Dylan, and Nathaniel, Midnight navigates a world filled with danger and wonder. From her tumultuous escape from the confines of her prison to her encounters with cosmic beings and mysterious forces, Midnight's courage and resilience are put to the test at every turn.
As Midnight grapples with her newfound freedom, she discovers the true extent of her powers and the secrets of her past. With the help of her friends and allies, Midnight embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about her origins and fulfill her destiny.
But dark forces are at play, threatening to unravel everything Midnight holds dear. From the sinister plots of her own mother, Queen Luna, to the ancient prophecies foretelling her fate, Midnight must confront her deepest fears and embrace her true power to save herself and those she loves.
Two people in love, falling in a storm, one coming out forgetting everything about the person she loved,
While the other remembers that once there was love between him and her, keeping those memories and love locked away in his heart
And keep remembering the love of them on her behalf,
Not allowed to again chase her or fall in love again because of the contract he made, her life or her love for him, was the choice he was given, choosing her happiness over his, he thinks the matter ended there, but he didn't know her love for him was strong enough that it will only be him even if they lived countless lives.
Read to find out, what this is and what will happen later.