The year is 1979 and Jon White just can't catch a break. Eveyone treats him like garbage, Teachers, students, neighbors, and even his fanatically religious father, Eduardo, seems more preoccupied beating the bible into Jon than being a good father. After one humiliating prank goes too far though popular kid Edd Snell is determined to make amends, He even asks his best friend Matt to take Jon to their senior prom to make him feel better, and for once, things seems like they might turn okay for Jon. What none of their class mates know though is that something is growing inside of Jon, a strange power to move objects three times his weight with just his mind, and it seems to only get stronger the more he uses it. What will happen when Jon's biggest bully, Tord Hargenson, partners up with the town deliquent, Tom Nolan, to try and turn prom night into a prom nightmare for Jon? Read this terrifying tale od revenge to find out, and witness the DESTRUCTION! It'll be a night you'll never forget. ;)
TW: child abuse, homophobia, no happy ending, main character death, religious trauma, animal death
Their fates were sealed the moment they were born. Tom was a cursed prince, and Tord was going to be the king. Neither of them was fit for their supposed destinies, but they bared with the expectations anyway. Everything was going to plan- Tom was to murder Tord after becoming his acquaintance- but they had to mess it all up and fall in love.
This story will probably have revisions throughout its creation, but after the support I got from my previous year-old book, I thought that I should give fanfiction another go! I hope y'all enjoy!