This is about a girl named Katty Ratatoulie, she was a sweet little cat rat who have been bullied everywhere. Many animals laugh about her body – her body is a rat figure and her face have a cat face. She was a kind and helpful animal even if many animal laugh and bullied her. She is the one who really need love. Why? Her mother and father leave her because of her figure. She have been in the orphanage about 5 years and she was so willing, to get out of there and start a new life. So she make a realistic painting and sell it to the ones who have money. She just use a white postcard and gathered many colorful things that she can find in the orphanage, she sell it thousands (dollars). That money let her study. But she cant really get out of the orphanage because she don’t have enough money to rent a house. If she’s sad she just go to her room and lock it, it was the thing she often do. She lock her room and turn on the stereo with a loveable music. She just move along the music and every problem is nothing to her. She really love dancing. She was a very disciplined girl that have a very colorful and moving dream. This is a short story and I think this story will take about 3 chapters. Hope you support me and my story. Love ya!All Rights Reserved