10 parts Ongoing At the heart of this story, two opposing forces collide. There is an ancient animosity between two main characters, but when their paths cross once again, an unexpected spark ignites. Love challenges the rules and expectations, and the two individuals begin to explore new sides of themselves and each other. Will they be able to overcome the past, the enmity, and allow love to triumph?
As Zayaan and Alizeh cross paths, their worlds collide, and an undeniable connection forms between them. Despite their differences and the challenges they face, their love blossoms, taking them on a rollercoaster journey of emotions, growth, and unexpected twists. Get ready to be swept away by the enchanting love story of Zayaan and Alizeh!
Assalam walaikum my beautiful readers this is my first book so please ignore if there any mistakes Or any grammatical errors :)