🌻 CONVERTED RASTRO (MARCH 2024) CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR 🙏🏻 "Be honest. Were you secretly hoping that I would reciprocate your feelings after we kissed? I mean, what made you decide to do it in the first place?", I genuinely wondered because I recalled how stunned I had been that night she had asked me to kiss her. "I was in love with you", she whispered tenderly and answered the question bluntly yet sweetly at the same time. "Maybe there was some tiny hope that you would reciprocate but not really. I had seen the way you had handled the 'Rastro' situation before. I have to admit that I was very selfish in that moment. There was no other reason than the simple fact that I couldn't take it anymore. It got to a point where it was all I could think about. That was why I didn't look at you at times because I kept thinking about wanting to kiss you."All Rights Reserved