In the neon-drenched heart of Neo-Kyoto, a sprawling megacity ruled by megacorporations and rife with cybernetic enhancements, two lonely souls cross paths. Anya, a skilled hacker haunted by a traumatic past, and Kai, a stoic ex-soldier burdened by the ghosts of war, find solace in each other's company amidst the city's overwhelming chaos.
Their connection deepens when Anya stumbles upon a data chip containing a sinister secret about a powerful megacorporation's experiments on humans. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to expose the truth, facing ruthless corporate agents and navigating the city's dangerous underbelly.
As they fight side-by-side, their love for each other blossoms, providing a beacon of hope in the bleak reality of Neo-Kyoto. They join forces with a resistance group, risking their lives to fight for a better future and challenge the oppressive grip of the megacorporations.
Through thrilling action sequences, daring infiltrations, and moments of quiet intimacy, Anya and Kai's love story unfolds against the backdrop of a city on the brink of revolution. They face physical and emotional scars, grapple with the complexities of rebuilding a broken society, and ultimately find strength in each other to overcome the darkness.
Neon Requiem is a story about love, loss, and the fight for a better future in a dystopian world. It explores the human cost of technological advancement, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.
A young archeologist is launched on the adventure of her life when she joins a mixed crew of humans and aliens on a mission to atone for the failings of Earth.
The Terra Prospect Mission offered humanity a chance at space travel, technological advancement, and enlightenment courtesy of its alien benefactors who made first contact thirty years ago. Daran Chree brought that mission to a fiery end when he crashed the Terra Prospect spaceship into Gate Delta Eleven. Now, it's humanity's second and final chance to prove they're ready to journey into the stars. Nineteen-year-old studying archeologist Sofeta Prenares finds herself not only drawn to the mission, but on a collision course with the fate of the galaxy.
2019 Watty Awards Winner For Sci-Fi!
Content warning: This story contains reference to self harm and intense combat scenes.