In the middle of a week of absurdity, delicate letter appears at Belladonna's doorstep. By the end of the month, she is whisked away to a fancy, intricate boarding school, Canterwood, that focuses on magic- spells, wizardry, witchcraft, and, equestrian lessons using your own unique horses. She bonds with her horse, Nightshade, an ink-black stallion with untamed power. But something is stirring. The dark is brewing. Mangled bodies of horses are strung everywhere across Canterwood. Can Belladonna and her friends solve this suicide mission? "Nightshade!" She whispered. "Quick..." The black stallion gave a frustrated neigh and picked up his pace. He leaped over the obstacles, soaring in the sky like an osprey and giving a rough landing afterward. He sprinted towards the Kelpie, hot on his heels. Belladonna smiled mockingly at the dark-haired boy as she passed him, and his eyes went wide, like the full moons at night. Nightshade leapt through the last jump, one black hoof just splashing the water a moment. Bella closed her eyes for the finish. There was sudden pandemonium, cheers were echoing off the walls, and she opened her eyes. Nightshade was panting and shook his muzzle, head high, his black mane gleaming fabulously in the blazing sun. A huge smile reached Belladonna's ears. They had won.