I was working with my sister and then I went home,I saw my dad holding a paper that says "Princess Elodie your going to be a princess in our kingdom".I was shocked.Dad I dont want to go marry someone that I don't know.He said:Elodie this would be great for our kingdom"I agreed we went there I met the royal family and they seemed great until we went for a marrige in mountains they told me to throw a coin into the chasm I did it bit I wasn't expecting what will happen next the Prince hold my back and then he throwd me into the dragons House I somehow managed to escape the dragon but when I went out I released that the dragon got my sister I hurry went into the dark chasm and saw the dragon we started a fight I killed him by myself but I felt bad when I heard her story I wanted her to live so I gave her some magic phils after that we went to Royal family and the dragon burned everyone.