Let's get this started- hey, my name is Daiki Finch; I am on top of all classes especially on math and biology.
I've been overpassing almost everyone my whole life by tons. I go to the world's best high school and I am properly years younger than most my classmates
sometimes it seems like they don't appreciate geniuses like me, making me (as those normies say) uncool or for a better word outcasted.
But that never bothers me. After all, I'm not all alone! I have the science club as you can guess I'm president of (which I'm quite proud of being) and if you can count the teachers that totally love me and my presence
I'm living a perfect life
Or at least that was until the new boy came
This boy- no, sorry- this normie made my so happy life worse by a million percent.
He of course got everyone's attention since the first day- even the teachers!
Wait, wait, wait, let me explain who this newbie is
This MAN'S name is Lance Oak. He is what they call the 'World's Strongest Tenager of All Time' which basically means he already is a pro boxer at the ripe age of 17.
And for your information, no, I am NOT jealous of him or of his strength.
Anyways back on topic- basically he got the attention of everyone because of his looks. Even the damn TEACHERS (pedos)
Well, I mean, I don't care cause I don't like him and I never will and I will do everything in my power to stay FAR FAR away from him.
You may be wondering why and it's because ever since he came, I've felt eyes on me everywhere.
It gives me the higgie weebies.
And every time I pass by him he somehow turns red and keeps on looking at me like I'm some juicy steak and he hasn't eaten in years.
Like is he sick or something??? If so, that is just another reason why I need to get as far away from him as possible...