Many centuries-maybe even a few millenniums-before Avatar Aang ended the 100 year war. An Unrecognized Avatar Kalini, Princess of the Watertribes is arranged to marry Prince Hira'a of the Fire Nation. Upon meeting the Fire Nation Royals, some government officials and citizens of the fire nation grows weary and starts looking into her father and his true intentions. It's revealed that he knew of the avatar's identity and that he wants to conquer and corrupt the 4 nations and yield them under his rule with the power and authority of the avatar. Will he succeed?
Main Characters Ages, Names & Heights in Chapters 1-3:
[16]Princess Kalini- Kalini, Princess of the Water Tribe, water-bending master. {5'3}
[45]Chieftain Tien- Tien, Father of Kalini and Miska, Chief of the Water Tribe, skilled water-bender. {6'0}
[24]Miska- Miska, Daughter of Tien and sister of Kalini. water-bending master and warrior. {5'8}
[17]Lua- Lua, Bestie of Kalini, skilled water-bender.{5'7}
[37]General Haitao- Haitao, General of the water tribe, waterbender{5,10}
[52]Fire Lord Hasu- Hasu, Fire Lord of the Fire Nation and father of Lizu and Hira'a {6'1}
[41]Mersa- Mersa, wife of the Fire Lord and mother to Hira'a and Lizu {5'9}
[19]Prince Hira'a- Hira'a, crowned Prince & heir to the throne, fire-bending prodigy, arranged to marry Kalini {6,0}
[11]Princess Lizu- Lizu, crowned Princess and younger sister of Hira'a {4'3}
[22]Dian-Dian, Bodyguard of Hira'a,retried assassin{5'11}
[25]Sergeant Pira- Pira, Sergeant of the fire nation, teacher and trainer of new recruitments. {5'9}
*During this era, royals marrying outside their nation wasn't frowned upon.
*During this era, the water tribes are one and resides at the North Pole.
*During this era, warships and other military equipment used during the 100 year war is used during this time to signify a massive recession in technological advancement.
*She is based off off the female water-bender avatar behind szeto