Rage and Rebellion (Histories of Havenhearth)
72 parts Complete Cerys Woodstock, travelling outside of Tainland for the first time in her life, craves adventure and excitement.
Tainish Legate Eupheme hosts elaborate parties as a guise to obtain valuable information about the agendas of other lands, to further her own political interests.
Yarazhenya, a half Cassioni, half Petrovian candle maker with a penchance for day drinking, is thrilled when her niece arrives to learn about her business in Chevelles.
Callira Evarrlie, Tainish spiritualist, linguist, and a close friend of the chancellor of Chevelles, wants to share her knowledge of language and culture with the world.
Nobody knows what Witwatersrander Floren Cheshiring does or why he is in Cassion.
These are some of the civilian foreigners in the small city of Chevelles, there to teach, to sell, to build, to travel or for other reasons. But their presence raises suspicions among native Cassioni, wary of their intentions and technology. And, as xenophobia increases, so too do acts of violence.
Enter Wynemere Brackenridge, fresh from the green countryside of Elsa, new recruit in the marine protectorate forces, a pawn in the fight for Tainish expansion, who wonders if she'll be able to handle the challenges her new life is bringing her. And
Gwinael Snowberry, whose her first posting as combattant involves long treks over the Cassioni mountains, skirmishes with angry locals, and attempts to reign in her daydreaming so she can follow orders.
Will a mutual understanding across cultures be achieved or will tragedy befall natives and foreigners alike? It is the land of Cassion itself which has the answer, as well as it's own lessons to teach them all. After all, as the Cassioni saying goes: "We have much to learn."
(Dear potential reader: This is a medievalesque military low fantasy, with little to no supernatural elements: would love to get some feedback :))