15 parti Completa Robin Warner is the teenage cousin of the Warner Bros Yakko and Wakko, and the Warner Sister Dot. But given that Robin never got a chance to star in Animaniacs, Robin has had to find other ways to make money. One of the more easy ways to make money is by being a freelance drummer, a rather successful career for our Ink-Blot Dude.
Robin's luck is about to change once he gets an opportunity to become Lynn Black's new drummer. He goes to Gotham City to tour with her, and he befriends the rock star, and her friends, including the brilliant and beautiful Barbara Gordon. Maybe Robin might find love.
As you can tell, this is a Looney Tunes/Animaniacs/DC crossover.
Robin Warner created by me, inspired by characters developed by Tom Ruegger and Sherri Stoner
Kevin Beaumont also created by me, inspired by characters developed by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, and Bruce Timm
Lynn Black created by Charity Spencer
Batman created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane
Barbara Gordon created by Julius Schwartz, Carmine Infantino, and Gardner Fox