In the bustling halls of a vibrant high school, five girls and five boys are about to have their lives intertwined in the most unexpected of ways. Chaewon, the driven and ambitious class president, crosses paths with the charming and athletic Jake. Sakura, the free-spirited artist, finds herself drawn to her enemy/rival Heeseung. Yunjin, the confident and outgoing cheerleader, sparks an unlikely connection with the rebellious and talented Jay. Kazuha, the studious and reserved bookworm, unexpectedly catches the eye of the charismatic and skilled Sunghoon. And Eunchae, the kind-hearted and compassionate soul, discovers an unexpected bond with the playful and energetic Ni-ki.
As these ten teenagers navigate the complexities of high school, their worlds collide in a symphony of laughter, tears, and self-discovery. Preconceived notions are shattered, social barriers are broken down, and the power of love emerges in the most unexpected of places.
Prepare to be swept away by this heartwarming and captivating tale of unexpected love, where the bonds of friendship and the magic of romance intertwine to create a story that will leave a lasting impression on your heart.