The story follows Vegeta, A young prince of the Saiyan race, who discovers a shocking truth about his role as a hostage in a delicate political alliance between his father, king Vegeta, and the Kold Empire. As he grapples with feelings of betrayal and abandonment, Vegeta resolves to embrace his duty as a solder and proved himself part of the Elite. With determination and resilience, he vows to endure the challenges and training ahead, determined to emerge stronger and victorious despite the constraints of his status as a prisoner.
Bulma find herself in a tense and vulnerable situation with Vegeta, where her initial discomfort and fear give way to a complex interplay of desire and uncertainty, as Vegeta's actions blur the lines between intimacy and intimidation. Bulma is forced to confront her own reactions and vulnerabilities in the face of his inscrutable demeanor.
An Alternative Universe (AU) where Bulma and Vegeta grapple with conflicting emotions and a sense of entwined fates. Unspoken desires, unspoken tension, all a setting stage for a deeper exploration of their complicated relationship and their undeniable love fate.
A few days ago Chichi manipulated Goku into thinking her cheating on him is just experimenting and goku started to lose feelings for her a little while later. While bulma and vegeta have been getting distant ever since vegeta kept bugging her to make a room for him a couple days ago.. A room where no other saiyan could enter nor exit once closed, ESPECIALLY goku. Bulma wondered what it was for but whenever she asked, vegeta would just grunt or scoff at her and walk away ignoring her. But she can clearly see he has been acting strange.
I do not own the characters in this story only the story itself as I wrote it. The rightful owners are Akira Toriyama, Fuji tv, FUNimation, and Toei animation. This is a non-profit fanfiction of malexmale.