2 parts Ongoing Upon arriving for his summer vacation in the tranquil village, Zhenya reunites with his old friend Lyosha. This encounter awakens a flood of long-forgotten memories, including those of Alex, Lyosha's older brother, whose deep voice and enigmatic presence had left a profound mark on him.
Now, having matured, Zhenya is astonished to find that Alex, whom he had always considered out of reach, is making unexpected efforts to connect with him. Subtle compliments, lingering glances, and peculiar coincidences suggest that none of this is mere happenstance.
"Running jump" is a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of rediscovered friendships and unspoken feelings in a changing world. Written in connection with the ban on LGBT propaganda in Russia, the story delicately navigates themes of identity and self-discovery, highlighting the silent struggles faced by many.