Genim Mieczyslaw Stilinski or as his mother truly named him, Genim Mieczyslaw Dixon. he's Merles son and Daryls nephew but he's been thru alot in the supernatural world and his bestfriend or well his ex-bestfriend now but back then he truly thought Scott were by his side but got betrayed over and over again. he has had enough, after killing Donovan in self-defence and getting called a murderer, he shakes his head and says tiredly to the pack the day they kick him out. "you better listen to me, someday the dead will not stay dead and will rise to feed on the living, when that happens... we all need to stay united not separated because with numbers we will win and you better hit their brain with a sword or any other long and sharp objects you can find..." he slowly walks away and Derek says to him. "I Derek Hale..." "I Genim Mieczyslaw Stilinski, reject you as my Alpha" as he drives away, Derek knees down in pain and growls angrily. when Stiles gets home, he says that he will go and be with his biological father and uncle but that Noah is still his dad too, he also warns him all the same. he listens and starts preparing as Stiles drives to get to Atlanta. After hours of driving with sleeping in the Jeep or hotels on the way, he gets to Atlanta and then starts driving to the Dixon's from there.All Rights Reserved