Nadia Banks, a dedicated college professor known for her expertise in psychology, crosses paths with Desmond Felix, a charismatic colleague, during an unexpected encounter in the university courtyard. As they exchange pleasantries, Nadia conceals her hidden struggle with dissociative identity disorder, harboring multiple personas beneath her composed facade. Meanwhile, Desmond's charming demeanor masks a dark obsession with Nadia, consuming his thoughts and clouding his judgment. Unbeknownst to Nadia, Desmond's lust for her eclipses his perception of time and reality, leading to a dangerous game of desire and deception. As their paths intertwine, Nadia must navigate the delicate balance between her fragmented identities while unraveling the sinister intentions lurking behind Desmond's infatuation.
A WOSO Oneshot book
Oneshots of favourite Women's footballers
Mainly the Lionesses, Arsenal Women's team,Chelsea Women's team, Man City Women's team and Man Utd Women's team