On a decent autumn day, kind hearted single mother Shizu Shinazugawa, who had become a widower two years earlier, and her seven children, thirteen year old boy Sanemi, eight year old boy Genya, six year old girl Sumi, five year old girl Teiko, four year old boy Hiroshi, three year old boy Shuya and two year old boy Koto receive a surprise visit outside their house from the demon king a hour and a half before sunrise. The demon king then captures Shizu and teleports away with her, later imprisoning her in a abandoned temple acting as a gateway to his stronghold. Terrified to have witnessed the capture of their mother, the Shinazugawa siblings leave their home with their belongings tightly secured in bags and a wooden cart. Five years later, Sanemi, now eighteen, and his girlfriend of eleven and a half months Kanae Kocho, who is also eighteen and had been forced to retire from being a demon slayer a year earlier, and mission partner Masachika Kumeno, who is older than Sanemi, are sent alongside Genya, who is now thirteen, to the mountaintop home of the Kamado family to defend them from the demon king and get there in time to stop him from killing seven of its eight members, Tanjuro, his wife Kie and five of their six children, thirteen year old triplets Nezuko, Takeo and Hanako, eleven year old boy Shigeru and ten year old boy Rokuta, while the couple's oldest child Sumiko, who is eighteen just like Sanemi and Kanae are, is away from home. This leads to Genya and Hanako quickly falling in love with one another. After getting home the following morning, Sumiko opens the front doors to discover the four people outside the Kamado family's home with her parents and younger siblings trying to help them move past what had happened the night before and quickly learns of the occurrence from them. Deeply grateful to them for this, she and her siblings agree to go with Sanemi, Masachika, Kanae and Genya.
What if Rimuru was instead reborn as a primordial demon; the strongest in combat and intelligence.
He reincarnated just before Star king dragon Veldanava created the omniverse; it was nothing but a void, his soul being exposed just a little to turn null made his soul undergo a change. Making him an individual with a high evolutionary potential