Meet Carolyn Baker, a world-renowned botanist whose obsession with achieving perfection in her creations knows no bounds. In her relentless pursuit, Carolyn unwittingly engineers a new breed of rose, unlike any seen before. These roses, hungry for blood, possess thorns that pierce unsuspecting victims, holding them in a trance-like state for thirty agonizing minutes until they are completely transformed into zombies.
Caught in the devastating consequences of her experiment, Carolyn's high school sweetheart, Martin, falls victim to the deadly allure of her creation. Unaware of the danger lurking within the petals, Martin becomes ensnared by the rose's thorns, his fate sealed in a chilling transformation. Despite the horror unfolding around them, Carolyn's unwavering love for Martin becomes his only lifeline, as she fights desperately to save him from the darkness consuming his soul.