Yaveria 1917, is a fictional story based on the Sentran universe. The time is set in 1917, exactly the last year of the 2nd Yaveral War. The story will be included three main characters, which will be set in different time settings, making three separate chapters in the series. The story will dive deeper into the soldier's insanity, the truth of what war itself is like, and the endless shellshocks that seemingly will never end. The only thing they know; is mud, iron, and their own blood. Survival is no longer seen as a hope, but pity from God himself.
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime."
- Ernest Hemingway
Any artworks featured here is purely made by me.
Inspired from Centaura, by ClassicMasterNoob
Eira Engel may have the looks of a goddess, a brilliant mind, and an unnatural soul of pure innocence. All but a man that truly loves her. After a crazy fight happened during family dinner, a blizzard came wiping out all the lights and electricity in the town. All the work of the ancient Christmas demon himself, Krampus. Bringing his trusted elves and frightening toys with him. To not only enjoy the thrill of torturing their victims but to retrieve their queen that they waited for a long time.
"Krampus will stop at nothing until he gets what is his."