Humans die. That is a fate as inevitable as the sun rising and as the earth turning. If you will die isn't the question. It is when you will die. With Eighty, when you are old and grey? Or will Death get a grasp on you when you are young and still full of life? We mourn those who pass on and lean to deal with the pain that their final breath causes in the depths of our hearts. If only there was a way to never have to suffer the human fate, to never feel the fear that the impending end of one's life brings with it. Out of human desperation and terror, something vile crawled its way out of the deepest part of the world. Something going against nature, an abomination. People have called it many names, among them being the Dezeral. It is a necklace not of the purest beauty or of the richest gemstones, but one that grants the user the gift of being able to escape their death. Is there a price to be put on such a chance? And wouldn't you do whatever it takes to get a hold of it, especially if the person you are closest to is on the verge of dying? - I dont own any of the pictures used-All Rights Reserved
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